OdishaPlus Bureau

The Odisha Conference of Youth is a platform intended to bring local youth together for the cause of the climate change & environment

The inaugural Youth4Water Plus Odisha Conference of Youth commenced today with an electrifying burst of energy and determination. Bringing together 150 passionate youth delegates from across the state, the conference aims to illuminate critical issues concerning climate change and the environment.

The event is receiving unwavering support from esteemed partners, including the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Y20, G20, UN agencies such as UNICEF and UN India, and renowned international entities like the Animal Climate Health Save Movement.

Partners in the conference include Rotary club of Eco Bhubaneswar, ClimAct, PANTISS Foundation, Sattvic Soul Foundation, FORCE, AIC-NITF, Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation, OdishaLIVE, IFI, Youth for Sustainability, Asja, Antaranga Foundation, Prelude, Mycitylinks and BPE.

Under the banner of this ground-breaking event, the Youth4Water Plus Odisha Conference of Youth is setting a new precedent by becoming the first-ever vegan conference in the State. This distinctive approach not only aligns with the conference’s central theme of environmental sustainability but also emphasizes the pivotal role that dietary choices play in mitigating climate change.

“I call upon you to be the change you wish to see in the world. Embrace the Youth4Water Plus campaign, let your voices be heard, and let your actions speak louder than words. Together, we can create a world where water is protected, and our planet is cherished. Together, we can be the catalysts for a global movement towards climate action and a sustainable future”, said William Hanlon, Chief of Field Office, UNICEF Odisha.

The conference’s opening day was marked by an inspiring array of keynote speeches, interactive workshops, and panel discussions. Youth delegates, representing diverse backgrounds and experiences, shared their insights on climate resilience, sustainable practices, and the importance of collaborative efforts to safeguard the planet.

Lenin Mohanty, Chairperson of OTDC, Government of Odisha, delivered an invigorating address during the opening ceremony. “Today, we witness the power of youth-driven initiatives that are steering the conversation towards a more sustainable future. The Youth4Water Plus Odisha Conference of Youth is a testament to the fact that our young minds are not just concerned about climate change; they are taking active steps to combat it.”

UNICEF Odisha WASH CCES Specialist Shipra Saxena said, “Various programs are being conducted to create awareness about climate change and its impact on the environment. However, ‘Odisha Conference of Youth’ is a special event. Youth working at the grassroots level for climate change & environment preservation have come together under 1 banner. The aim of this campaign is to show how the initiatives taken by the youth of Odisha can be taken to the global level.

The conference’s partnerships with esteemed organizations such as Y20 and G20, as well as the participation of UN agencies and international bodies, underscore its significance on a global scale. These collaborations demonstrate the collective commitment towards addressing climate challenges and fostering a united front for positive change.

“We are thrilled to collaborate with Youth4Water Plus in their endeavor to empower young voices for a better tomorrow. The conference’s alignment with our values and principles reflects the dedication of the youth towards a sustainable planet,” said Mr. Anmol Sovit, Chairperson Y20.

The Youth4Water Plus Odisha Conference of Youth is set to continue for the next 3 days, engaging delegates in transformative discussions, skill-building sessions, and networking opportunities. As the conference progresses, it aims to draft a comprehensive youth-led declaration that outlines actionable steps for tackling environmental issues and advancing sustainable practices.

Stay tuned for more updates, insights, and highlights from the Youth4Water Plus Odisha Conference of Youth as it continues to blaze a trail towards a greener, more sustainable future.