Dr. Anita Sabat

 In a three- part article, Anita Sabat traces the history of Odisha’s Rasagola and how it became a brand.

Odisha Rasagolla

Odisha has a rich history, heritage, and culture. There is so much about Odisha that the world does not know. We can learn about something and earn knowledge by reading, experiencing or being taught or informed. In the words of Ugandan journalist and environmentalist, Nyadikira Amooti: “Only when people are informed, will they be aware. Only when they are aware, will they take action, and only when they take action will species and the environment be saved.”Amooti was referring to the environment, but his words are true for any and every subject or issue. The right information is needed for correct awareness and effective action.

rasogola divas

What if someone (either out of ulterior motive or due to ignorance) misinforms us regarding something? What if that person is an influential personality or a reputed historian or scholar? Then, their words and beliefs (though wrong) are considered to be the gospel truth. People, who question such misleading information, are questioned and then suppressed or silenced. Later, other people do not even make an effort to investigate or learn the reality as they simply accept what is popularly believed to be the ‘truth’. Over the years, the wrong information becomes prevalent and is considered true.

Pahala Rasagolla

The ‘RasagolaCase

Rasgulla or Rasagola, a syrupy dessert prepared using chhena (cottage cheese), has been in the news for long, especially from the year 2015. Odisha has enough historical records and evidence that clearly prove that this sweet has originated in the land of Jagannath. But, many are yet to learn/know/accept/believe that Rasagola has been associated with the Shree Jagannath Temple culture and Ratha Jatra (the world-famous Rath Yatra/ Car Festival) of Puri, Odisha for centuries.

Many books like The Penguin Food Guide To India among others state that Odia cooks introduced the Rasagola in West Bengal. Quiz-books had this information. Still, people were/are either unaware or unwilling to accept this. Rasagola has been and still is being credited to Kolkata and West Bengal. Rasagola is a precious brand. Over the years, Bengal has smartly branded and marketed this sweet as their sweet creation! Bengali journalists, writers and historians have written many articles and books supporting the view of this so-called “Bengali invention”. Just because a thousand people say/write something, it does not make a wrong right. A law of propaganda is- “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”. But, “The truth is still the truth even if no one believes it. A lie is still a lie, even if everyone believes it.”

Brand Perception

‘Seeing is believing’. If X has invented Z, and Y promotes, sells and markets Z, the public associates Y with Z. But, does the reality that X has invented Z change? That explains why Bengal is associated with Rasagola though Rasagola’s place of the invention is Odisha. People generally tend to believe what’s served in front of them. In Hindi, it is said- ‘Jo dikhta hai, wo bikta hai.’ What can be seen, sells. Who is selling it and how it is being sold also counts.

If one is silent, pays no attention, and takes no care or action, others will seize the opportunity and capitalize and claim ownership. As per a Sanskrit shloka- ‘Na hi suptasya sinhasya pravishanti mukhe mrugaha’. Deer do not enter into the mouth of a sleeping lion. There is a popular Odia saying- ‘Soila pua ra bhaga nahi’. The sleeping son has no share.


Rasagola Awareness

I was in school when I got to learn from my mother that Odisha is the birthplace of the Rasagola. My mother told me about Rasagola’s connection with Niladri Bije, the last day of the Ratha Jatra. My grandmother too shared many stories about Lord Jagannath and Odisha’s culture. They are no more in this world, but their words are with me. Many such ‘witnesses’, ‘advocates’ and ‘judges’ are no more, having died. Imagine how strong Odisha’s case would have been had her writers and researchers undertaken serious documentation about Rasagola before. The printed words are trusted. But, simply having evidence is not enough. The world needs to be made aware and informed. What will the present-day parents, who are not aware of our traditions and rich cultural heritage, share with their kids? On Niladri Bije, we still offer Rasagolas to the deities as per our custom. But, how many people know about this?

The questions that have been troubling me ever since I became aware of Rasagola’s cultural link with Odisha are:

– When Odisha has had enough traditions, cultural link, and ancient evidence to substantiate her Rasagola claims, why has there been no attempt to share and publicize and change the incorrect public perception about Rasagola?

– Why is Odisha not given credit for the invention of Rasagola?

– Why did not anyone object when they wrote ‘Inventor of Rossogolla’ on their shop in Kolkata?

– Why cultural appropriation has been allowed?

– How can we prove to the world that Odisha is the birthplace of the Rasagola?

– When will Odisha earn her rightful credit for the Rasagola?

– Why is Rasagola still shrouded with ‘controversy’?

About 50-100 years ago, had Odisha been proactive and taken cognizance and action regarding the above, there would have been no ‘controversy’ and the subsequent misinformation would have been nipped in the bud. We would not have to constantly explain to people that Rasagola was invented in Odisha. (To Continue)

(Dr. Anita Sabat is a Bhubaneswar based social entrepreneur & Activist. This article was earlier published in Rath Yatra issue of ‘Odisha Review’)

Rasagola – History, Culture and the Brand – II

Rasagola – History, Culture and the Brand – III